1. Title
a.The Association shall be called the Essex County Short Mat Bowling Association (E.C.S.M.B.A)
b.It shall be affiliated to the English Short Mat Bowling Association (E.S.M.B.A)
2. Objectives
a. To foster, promote and encourage the sport of short mat bowling within the County of Essex under the guide lines, rules and regulations of the E.S.M.B.A.
b. Control, administer and promote league and competitions within the county on behalf of members.
c. To maintain a Register of individual players registered with the E.C.S.M.B.A. and supply a copy to E.S.M.B.A.
d. To interpret when called upon by member clubs, questions of law or practice, and arbitrate in all disputes referred, to the Association, between members thereof.
e. The Association is committed to promoting a safe environment in which children and vulnerable adults can enjoy taking part in the game of bowls. We will seek to underpin and ensure this commitment by following and promoting the joint Safeguarding Policy and Procedures of the National Governing Bodies.
3. Membership
a. Any club, association or centre, playing the game of short mat bowls under the laws and rules of the E.S.M.B.A. situated within the County of Essex and which must also be affiliated with E.S.M.B.A.
b. A club, association or centre must be a member of one (1) county only. In the first instance this should be the county in which it is geographically situated but a club, association or centre may apply for membership to an adjacent county if it deems it to be appropriate. In this instance the club must inform its geographic county of its application and provided no objection is raised then the application may proceed. In the case of an objection the club may refer the matter to the management committee of E.C.S.M.B.A, similarly if no objection is raised but the application is refused then the matter may be placed before the management committee.
c. The management committee shall have the power to suspend or terminate the membership of any club, association or centre or individual member.
d. As an interim option a new club, association or centre can register with E.C.S.M.B.A as an Associate member. An Associate member will have no voting rights and can only be an Associate for a maximum of 12 months. They will have to become a full member by the 1st September following their approval as an Associate member. An Associate member will not have the right to join the E.S.M.B.A insurance scheme. Associate members can attend all meetings of E.C.S.M.B.A and will be entitled to receive minutes and other publications provided to full members.
e. An affiliated club will have a membership of six or more Registered Players.
f. All affiliated clubs must supply details of their Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer to the Secretary of the E.C.S.M.B.A.
4. Fees and Subscriptions
a. Each member club, association or centre shall pay a yearly subscription to the E.C.S.M.B.A which shall be fixed at the annual general meeting (AGM).
b.Any club, association or centre failing to comply with point 4a by the 1st October in any year commencing 1st April, will cease to be a member until all arrears have been paid.
c. All individual members of any club, association or centre participating in the sport of short mat bowls under the laws and rules of the E.S.M.B.A must be registered and will pay a membership fee as laid down by both the E.C.S.M.B.A and the E.S.M.B.A.
d. Any such member not having paid the dues and demands by 1st October in any year will cease to be a member until those dues and demands are remitted in full and will not be allowed to take part in any league competition or match under the auspices of the E.C.S.M.B.A or the E.S.M.B.A.
e. In addition to subscriptions, each member club, association or centre must also supply the names and details of all players registered by them. All such details must be supplied at the same time as their payments are made.
f. An Associate member club, association or centre will pay a lower annual fee than a full member club, association or centre and individuals registered with the Associate member club, association or centre will not have to pay a fee until they become a full member at the next September 1st following their appointment as an Associate member. The fee for an Associate member will be set yearly at the AGM.
g. At the request of the Under 18’s Manage the E.C.S.M.B.A. under 18’s section shall be given a grant of £250.00 at the beginning of every financial year, even in the event that at the end of a financial year their account still shows a credit balance. It is the responsibility of the under 18’s to raise further funding. However in exceptional circumstances they shall be allowed to apply for further funding to the executive committee. The application is to state how the original grant has been spent and the reason for the further application. The executive committee to review the application and grant/amend or refuse the application.
5. Administration and Structure
a. The affairs of the E.C.S.M.B.A shall be conducted by an Executive Committee.
b. The Association shall be structured on a club basis with each club being represented by two (2) club delegates forming a management committee. The secretary of the association shall directly communicate with the clubs nominated representative all relevant information relating to the business of the Association.
c. The management committee shall consist of the Executive Committee and two (2) delegates appointed from each club, association or centre. When necessary a substitute delegate may take the place of the elected delegates.
d. The Executive Committee officers of the E.C.S.M.B.A shall consist of : PRESIDENT, CHAIRPERSON, VICE-CHAIRPERSON, SECRETARY, TREASURER, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, COMPETITIONS SECRETARY, PUBLICITY OFFICER. Two (2) officers shall serve as delegates to the E.S.M.B.A.
d(i) President
The qualifications of the President shall be that he/she has been a registered member of the Association for at least 5 years.
a. Act as an ambassador for the county at all times.
b. Act, when requested by the Executive Committee, as a neutral arbitrator over the running of the Association.
c. Preside over the election of officers and Committee at AGM.
d. Under certain circumstances the President shall be called upon to preside over a meeting.
e. Deal with enquiries from the Association’s web site e-mail address.
d(ii) Chairperson
The qualifications of the Chairperson shall be that he/she has been a registered member of the Association for at least 5 years.
a. Conduct in an orderly, democratic and efficient manner all Association business including general and committee meetings.
b. Ensure that the Constitution and other Association rules are strictly adhered to.
c. Ensure that Committee members carry out their responsibilities.
d. Ensure that the membership is kept fully informed of all matters and decisions affecting the Association and its activities.
e. Delegate tasks to other Committee members as and when necessary.
f. Be one of the signatories on the Association bank accounts.
g. Be the official signatory for official documents.
h. Shall represent the Association at any external meeting.
i. To liaise with County Treasurer on County fund matters including banking, payments, receipts etc, and to supply paperwork to County Treasurer
j. Deal with enquiries from the Association’s web site e-mail address.
d(iii) Vice Chairperson
The qualifications of the Vice Chairperson shall be that he/she has been a registered member of the Association for at least 5 years.
a. In the event of the Chairperson being unable to continue temporarily the Vice Chairperson will deputise for the Chairperson by assuming the duties and responsibilities laid down under Duties as specified in 5d(ii) with the exception of f. In the event of the Chairperson being unable to continue permanently the Vice Chairman will take on the duties of the Chairperson.
b. As Vice Chairperson he / she will, when required, undertake to organise, arrange or supervise any special projects decided upon by the Committee.
c. Deal with enquiries from the Association’s web site e-mail address.
d(iv) Secretary
The qualifications of the Secretary shall be that he/she has been a registered member of the Association for at least 2 years.
The qualifications of the Secretary shall be that they can demonstrate, at the time of appointment by sufficient skills to meet the duties described in section a - h below.
The Secretary’s position shall be honorary.
a. Meet, or make arrangements to meet, all the Association and Committee secretarial needs.
b. Make an official record of all business discussed or decided upon at the General Meeting and produce draft Minutes within 14 days to the Chairperson.
c. Report on the business since the preceding meeting.
d. Issue notification of all meetings to those who should be in attendance.
e. Ensure that copies of all Minutes and AGM documentation are circulated to affiliated clubs and relevant Committee Members.
f. Present all correspondence received since the previous meeting at the next available committee meeting. Urgent matters to be referred to the Chairperson for action in between meetings if necessary.
g. Inform the Executive Committee of all propositions received for inclusion in a General Meeting prior to issuing General Meeting papers to the affiliated clubs.
h. Submit a report at the AGM of all relevant business conducted by the E.C.S.M.B.A. for the past year
i. Shall be the initial point of contact on general matters.
j. Deal with enquiries from the Association’s web site e-mail address.
d(v) Treasurer
The qualifications of the Treasurer shall be that he/she has been a registered member of the Association for at least 2 years.
The qualifications of the Treasurer shall be that they can demonstrate, at the time of nomination, sufficient skills to meet the duties described in section a – k below.
a. Keep the accounts (including all invoices, tax returns etc) of the Association, prepare an annual Financial Statement and be responsible for Association monies once delivered and depositing into Association’s Bank Account.
b. Maintain and regularly reconcile to the underlying accounts all current and deposit accounts belonging to the Association.
c. Make proposals to the Committee in respect of financial policy for the Association.
d. Report on the Association financial affairs since the preceding General meeting;.
e. Arrange appropriate signatories for all the Association bank accounts, all of which should require two out of three signatories, one of which shall be the Chairperson.
f. Be responsible for maintaining all agreed insurance premiums and ensuring that payment is made by the due dates.
g. Draw to the Committee attention the current financial position of the
Association at each General Meeting.
h. Reimburse all Committee members agreed expenses on presentation of an expense claim form.
i. Ensure that Executive Committee approves a budget for any Association event before the Association is committed to any expenditure. Where circumstances indicate a budget is insufficient the Treasurer shall seek Committee’s approval for the anticipated overspend.
j. To ensure the accounts have been audited as instructed by the AGM, to have them agreed and signed off and published to the members at the AGM.
k. Submit a report at the AGM of all relevant business conducted by the E.C.S.M.B.A. for the past year.
l. Deal with enquiries from the Association’s web site e-mail address.
d(vi) Membership Secretary
The qualifications of the Membership Secretary shall be that he/she has been a registered member of the Association for at least 5 years.
a. Forward registration form to all clubs.
b. Receive all player registrations together with relevant fees and deposit the same into the Association’s Bank Account.
c. Maintain a record of Registered Players and Clubs within the Association.
d. Forward player registrations to ESMBA together with relevant fee.
e. Issue ESMBA registration cards.
f. Account to Treasurer for all fees received.
g. Submit a report at the AGM of all relevant business conducted by the E.C.S.M.B.A. for the past year.
h. Deal with enquiries from the Association’s web site e-mail address.
d(vii) Competition Secretary
The qualifications for the Competition Secretary shall be an ability to demonstrate appropriate skills to ensure the duties described in section a – g below can be performed to an acceptable standard. The appointee must also have been a registered member for a period of 2 years or be able to demonstrate past experience of organising County standard competitions.
a. Shall receive all competition entries and correspond with all affiliated clubs.
b. Organise, and ensure the smooth running of the Essex County and National Qualifier Championship competitions.
c. Organise, when requested, any other competitions as agreed by the Management or Executive Committee.
d. Arrange for umpires to be present at all events.
e. Ensure that any deviation from, or additions to, the ESMBA rules are clearly announced and displayed on the day of the competition.
f. Ensure that the draw for all competitions shall be made on the day in the presence members.
g. To liaise with County Treasurer on County fund matters including banking, payments, receipts etc, and to supply paperwork to County Treasurer as required.
h. Submit a report at the AGM of all relevant business conducted by the E.C.S.M.B.A. for the past year.
i. Notify the qualifiers from the Essex National Championship of their participation in the National Finals and place of venue.
j. Arrange purchase of trophies for Presentation Night and arrange any engraving.
k. Deal with enquiries from the Association’s web site e-mail address.
d(viii) Publicity Officer
The qualifications of the Publicity Officer shall be that he/she has been a registered member of the Association for at least 2 years and has reasonable computer skills.
a. Update and maintain the County website regularly.
b. Publish, diary, reports on games and any other information deemed relevant to the site which promotes the game of bowls.
c. Use his/her best endeavours to promote the game of short mat bowls.
d. Submit a report at the AGM of all relevant business conducted by the E.C.S.M.B.A. for the past year.
e. Planning publicity strategies and campaigns and investigate and identify potential promotional opportunities for the Association.
f. Deal with enquiries from the Association’s web site e-mail address.
g. To ensure that all photographs of minors placed on the Association’s web site have been pre-agreed by parents.
d(ix) Social Secretary
The qualifications of the Social Secretary shall be that he/she has been a registered member of the Association for at least 2 years
a. Event plan and publicise the presentation evening
b. Propose and plan other social events at the start of each season.
c. Each event to have a reduced fee for members of the E.C.S.M.B.A.
d. To produce a budget for each event and to get approval from the Executive Committee before proceeding.
e. To liaise with County Treasurer on County fund matters including banking, payments, receipts etc, and to supply paperwork to County Treasurer as required.
f. Submit a report at the AGM of all relevant business conducted by the E.C.S.M.B.A. for the past year.
e. Four (4) Executive Committee office bearers must be present at any meeting to form a quorum.
f. The Management Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy on the Executive Committee.
g. No individual shall hold more than one (1) position at any single time on the Executive Committee of the E.C.S.M.B.A
h. The Executive Committee shall have the power to elect any persons desirable to form any sub-committee.
i. Each member of the Executive Committee will have one (1) vote. The Chairperson at any meeting will have the casting vote if necessary.
j. A register of attendance at all meetings shall be kept and submitted for scrutiny at every AGM.
k. The Executive Committee or any sub-committee (s) shall meet as often as business of the E.C.S.M.B.A requires. The Secretary shall consult with the Chairperson and give as much notice as possible to those entitled to attend.
l. The Association shall possess a set of rules/bye laws passed by the management committee to cover all aspects not covered by the Constitution.
m. The management committee will meet every two (2) months or as often as the business of the E.C.S.M.B.A requires
n. The Constitution is to be the only point of reference, custom and practice cannot be referred to in the future.
o. The term of office shall be from one AGM to the next. All members of the Executive Committee can be re-elected for more than one term of office.
p. The Financial year of the Association shall end on the 31st March.
6. Annual and other General Meetings
a. An AGM shall be held in May of each year at which the business of the Association shall be reviewed along with the election of officers and any constitutional changes. At the same time two (2) auditors shall be appointed.
b. Annual written reports must be submitted by the Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Competitions Secretary, Publicity Officer and Social Secretary at the AGM.
c. The Secretary shall give at least forty two (42) days notice of the AGM to all clubs, associations and centres.
d.The Annual and other General Meetings shall be open to all members but each club, association or centre shall be limited to two (2) voting delegates.
e. Notices for motions and nominations for officers should be submitted to the secretary no less than twenty-eight (28) days before the AGM.
f. Special General Meetings may be called by the management committee or on request of at least fifty (50) per cent of all clubs, associations or centres.
g. The notice calling for any Special General Meeting must specify the purpose for which it has been called and no other business shall be discussed.
h. The recorded minutes of the AGM shall be sent by the Secretary to all clubs, associations and centres by ninety (90) days following the AGM. The minutes will not be approved by the Management Committee until the following AGM.
I. Each club shall nominate 2 fully paid up members who shall have full voting rights. Delegates and visitor shall sign in at the start of the meeting. All decisions will be by straight majority count, and will be binding to all affiliated clubs. Abstentions will be disregarded.
7. Code of Conduct
The following code applies to all players invited to play in County organised competitions
a. You must at all time show courtesy to opposing teams, as well as fellow team members.
b. You must play to the current ESMBA rules, or as modified for the event.
c. You should not manipulate the rules to gain advantage.
d. You should play in a competitive manner, but be fair and sporting.
e. You must without question accept all umpiring and line decisions.
f. When playing or watching any short mat bowls game you will be expected to behave in an impeccable manner to all bowlers and spectators.
g. You must abide by the venues rules and regulations.
Disciplinary action may be taken against any member who breaches the above
8. Disciplinary Procedures
The ECSMBA shall follow the disciplinary procedures of the ESMBA.
9. Conditions of Play
The E.S.M.B.A laws of the game shall apply to all games, clubs and leagues. These laws can be varied or modified to enable the easier running of a competition.
10. Managers
a. The Executive Committee shall appoint Team Managers for the Premier and A, B, Over 60’s and under 18’s squads, the process for making the appointment shall be as follows:-
i. An advert for the forthcoming appointments shall be circulated to all Associated Clubs of the Association 6 months prior to the position becoming available.
ii. The Executive Committee shall short list applicants for interview.
iii. At interview the Executive Committee shall, as far as possible, ensure the candidates are aware of all the implications and duties of the Managers position whilst also seeking sufficient information from which they can support their final appointment.
b. The appointment will be for a period of 3 years with a review after the first year. Holders of the position may apply again at the end of the third year.
c. The Managers will have current DBS or current legislation checks.
d. In the event that a Manger shall resign the position will become immediately available and advertised and the appointment procedure undertaken.
e. Duties of the B, Over 60’s and under 18’s Manager
i. To select from the County Player list individuals to represent the County in competitions.
ii. To ensure that players selected for matches are aware of their selection and any travel arrangements for games.
iii. To ensure that all home venues are booked.
iv. To liaise with opposing teams point of contact concerning venues, meals and refreshments as well as any other matters relating to the games.
v. To liaise with County Treasurer on County fund matters including banking, payments, receipts etc, and to supply paperwork to County Treasurer as required as well as ensuring a raffle takes place at home games for fundraising purposes.
vi. To provide reports of all games to the Management Committee.
vii. To foster and encourage the game.
f. Duties of Premier and A Team Manager
i. To be ultimately responsible for selecting both Essex Premier and “A” teams in the winter season from the County Player list individuals to represent the County in competitions prior to the commencement of each winter season and issue squad list prior to the opening match.
ii. To ensure that players selected for matches are aware of their selection and if possible their playing position and any travel arrangements for games.
iii. To nominate a captain for each of Premier and “A” teams.
iv. Liaise with Executive Committee on choice of venues.
v. To ensure that once the E.S.M.B.A fixture lists are published all home venues are booked without delay.
vi. To ensure that all Umpires are booked.
vii. To liaise with opposing teams point of contact concerning venues, meals and refreshments as well as any other matters relating to the games.
viii. To liaise with County Treasurer on County fund matters including banking, payments, receipts etc, and to supply paperwork to County Treasurer as required as well as ensuring a raffle takes place at home game for fundraising purposes.
ix. To provide accounts by 31 March for audit.
x. A scale of charges relating to playing and travelling are currently in operation.
xi. To ensure that all squad members and the County Secretary are supplied with a copy of charges prior to each winter season.
xii. To ensure that result sheets and scorecards are available for county games and that they are correctly completed.
xiii. To supply result information to Publicity Officer after each game.
xiv. To provide reports of all games to the Management Committee.
xv. To have a current DBS, or current legislation, clearance form.
xvi. Ensure teams are in suitable attire and in time to play.
xvii. Be the nominated contact to E.S.M.B.A.
xviii. Ensure that All Players representing Essex act in a good and sportsman likemanner.
xix. To arrange a pre season selection day.
xx. To arrange fund raising activities.
xxi. To foster and encourage the game.
11. Alteration of the Constitution
No alteration of, or addition to the Constitution of the E.C.S.M.B.A shall be made unless passed by at least two-thirds of the management committee present or by two-thirds of the members present at any Special General Meeting. All such alterations or additions shall be submitted for ratification at the following AGM.
12. Powers of the Management Committee
The management committee shall have the power to interpret the rules and deal with all matters not specifically provided herein.
13. Honorary Life Membership
a. Honorary Life Membership may be awarded at the discretion of the Committee with approval of the Executive Committee to a member who has undertaken positions of responsibility and contributed greatly to the Association over considerable years surpassing those that are recognised by long service.
b. Honorary Life Members may attend all meetings of the Association.
c. The maximum number of Life Members at any one point shall not exceed half the total number of Officer and Committee positions.
14. Code of Practice
1. If both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are absent from a meeting then the President shall conduct the meeting.
2. If the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and President are absent from a meeting, but there is still a Quorum the Secretary shall conduct the meeting.
3. To ensure that once the E.S.M.B.A. fixture lists are published all home venues are booked without delay.
4. To use best endeavours to obtain permission for use of named individuals on web site.
5. If the winners of the Holiday Pairs competition fail to use their voucher they shall not be allowed to enter the competition the following year.
15. Dissolution
In the event of the Association being unable to proceed with objectives the assets of the Association shall be listed, enumerated and circulated to all affiliated clubs. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called for the purpose of dissolution to determine how to dispose of the assets.
At the AGM held on 11th May 2016 the fee under 4g was set at £25.00
Updated 21.5.2019