Division Five

WEEK 1 1st of October 2023

Whitehall BEES Vs Hampton Swifts

CIFC Mallards Vs Princess Marie Louise

Wickford B Vs Basildon

Hadleigh Silver Vs Galleywood

Whitehall STINGERS Vs Whitehall BEES

Week 2 8th of October 2023

Basildon Vs Whitehall BEES

Galleywood Vs CIFC Mallards

Hampton Swifts Vs Wickford B

Princess Marie Louise Vs Hadleigh Silver

Whitehall STINGERS Vs Hampton Swifts

Week 3 22nd of October 2023

Whitehall BEES Vs Galleywood

CIFC Mallards Vs Basildon

Wickford B Vs Princess Marie Louise

Hadleigh Silver Vs Hampton Swifts

CIFC Mallards Vs Whitehall STINGERS

WEEK 4 29th of October 2023

Princess Marie Louise Vs Whitehall BEES

Hampton Swifts Vs CIFC Mallards

Galleywood Vs Wickford B

Basildon Vs Hadleigh Silver

Whitehall STINGERS Vs Princess Marie Louise

WEEK 5 12th of November 2023

Whitehall BEES Vs CIFC Mallards

Wickford B Vs Hadleigh Silver

Hampton Swifts Vs Princess Marie Louise

Basildon Vs Galleywood

Wickford B Vs Whitehall STINGERS

WEEK 6 19th of November 2023

CIFC Mallards Vs Wickford B

Hadleigh Silver Vs Whitehall BEES

Princess Marie Louise Vs Galleywood

Basildon Vs Hampton Swifts

 Basildon Vs Whitehall STINGERS

WEEK 7 10th of December 2023

Princess Marie Louise Vs Basildon

Hampton Swifts Vs Galleywood

CIFC Mallards Vs Hadleigh Silver

Whitehall BEES Vs Wickford B

Galleywood Vs Whitehall STINGERS

WEEK 8 17th of December 2023

Whitehall STINGERS Vs Hadleigh Silver

WEEK 1 14th of January 2024

Hampton Swifts Vs Whitehall BEES

Princess Marie Louise Vs CIFC Mallards

Basildon Vs Wickford B

Galleywood Vs Hadleigh Silver

 Whitehall BEES Vs Whitehall STINGERS

Week 2 21st of January 2024

Whitehall BEES Vs Basildon

CIFC Mallards Vs Galleywood

Wickford B Vs Hampton Swifts

Hadleigh Silver Vs Princess Marie Louise

Hampton Swifts Vs Whitehall STINGERS

Week 3 4th of February 2024

Galleywood Vs Whitehall BEES

Basildon Vs CIFC Mallards

Princess Marie Louise Vs Wickford B

Hampton Swifts Vs Hadleigh Silver

Whitehall STINGERS Vs CIFC Mallards

WEEK 4 11th of of February 2024

Whitehall BEES Vs Princess Marie Louise

CIFC Mallards Vs Hampton Swifts

Wickford B Vs Galleywood

Hadleigh Silver Vs Basildon

Princess Marie Louise Vs Whitehall STINGERS

WEEK 5 18th of February 2024

CIFC Mallards Vs Whitehall BEES

Hadleigh Silver Vs Wickford B

Princess Marie Louise Vs Hampton Swifts

Galleywood Vs Basildon

Wickford B Vs Whitehall STINGERS

WEEK 6 10th of March 2024

Wickford B Vs CIFC Mallards

Whitehall BEES Vs Hadleigh Silver

Galleywood Vs Princess Marie Louise

Hampton Swifts Vs Basildon

Whitehall STINGERS Vs Basildon

WEEK 7 17th of March 2024

Wickford B Vs Whitehall BEES

Hadleigh Silver Vs CIFC Mallards

Basildon Vs Princess Marie Louise

Galleywood Vs Hampton Swifts

Whitehall STINGERS vs Galleywood

WEEK 8 24th of March 2024

Hadleigh Silver Vs Whitehall STINGERS