League Rules & Constitution

SEESMBL League Rules & Constitution



1.TITLE The title shall be “South East Essex Short Mat Bowls League” Hereafter referred to as “The League”

2. OBJECTS The primary object of the League shall be;

a. To promote, foster and safeguard the game of Short Mat Bowls in the area.
b. To adopt and enforce the laws of the game laid down by the English Short Mat Bowls Association.
c. To interpret, when called upon by members, questions of law and practice of the League and to arbitrate in disputes between member clubs. d. To encourage membership, administer the League and hold inter-club and other match or individual competitions aimed at promoting goodwill between clubs.
e. Ensure clubs abide by “League Rules” in respect of league competitions.
f. All League players registered with the League must be individually registered with the English S.M.B.A.

a. Membership of the League shall be open to all existing Member Clubs. Applications from other clubs local or outside the Essex area will be given due consideration by the League management committee, who shall have power to accept or reject such applications.
b. Definition of a new club is as follows “If an existing club changes its name and venue it will be regarded as a new club and enter the League accordingly unless there are extenuating circumstances. Any such extenuating circumstances to be notified to the League Secretary and place before the League Management Committee for their consideration”.
c. Member clubs are expected to participate in all competitions. d. All Member clubs will be affiliated to the English S.M.B.A and the Essex County S.M.B.A.
d. A full list of names, ESMBA numbers and fees of bona-fide club members will be supplied to the League Secretary before they are due to play

4.AFFILIATION FEE. Each club in membership of the League shall pay an annual affiliation fee for the club and its registered players, currently set at PER CLUB - £2.50, PER PLAYERS - £2:00 the amount of which shall be determined at the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Fees shall be paid to the League’s Hon.Treasurer by 20th August each year.

a. The League shall be managed by a league management committee consisting of Executive Officers and one (1) voting delegate appointed by each member club.
b. The executive officers will consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Results Secretary all of which shall be honorary, and these Executive Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
c. A President may also be elected at the Annual General Meeting who shall be an official member of all committees but without the right to vote

6.THE COMMITTEE The committee shall:-
a. Have the power to co-opt additional members for special duties.
b. Meet as often as necessary to conduct the business of the League. Three (3) Executive Officers and voting delegates forming a quorum.
c. Control the finances and be the sole authority for interpreting the rules of the League.
d. Determine the match fee to be paid by each member club in respect of the Clubs contribution when visiting another club, in assisting towards the cost of the facilities provided.
e. Organise the Annual Presentation Dinner/Dance and any other social events as required by member clubs
f. Have the final decision in the event of any contingency arising which is not covered by the constitution.

a. The A.G.M shall be convened annually by the end of June. Nominations for any of the above mentioned Executive Officers may be made by clubs sent to the Hon Sec. in writing not less than 30 days before the AGM
b. Ten member clubs to form a quorum.
c. All members are able to voice their opinions at the AGM and other general meetings, but only Executive Officers and one (1) nominated member from each club are able to vote. The Chairman in addition to his executive vote will have a casting vote to obtain a majority decision.
d. Recommendations and notices of motion for discussion at the AGM shall be submitted in writing to the Hon Sec. Not less than 30 days before the date of the AGM.
e. A special general meeting shall be convened on receipt by the Hon Sec. of an application signed by the secretaries or chairman of five (5) member clubs. In such circumstances the secretary is required to send out the notice calling such a special general meeting to all officers of the League and each club secretary stating the purpose for which it has been summoned, and no other business shall be transacted at the meeting.

8. HON. SECRETARY The Hon. Sec shall:- a. Keep minutes to record the business transacted at various meetings held throughout the year, and shall submit to the AGM a report of the proceedings of the League since the previous AGM b. Convene league management meetings as agreed by the committee and ensure that members are given sufficient time to arrange attendance at the meeting

9. HON.TREASURER The Hon.Treasurer shall:-

a. Maintain financial records of the League.
b. Keep the committee informed of the financial state of the League reporting at each meeting.
c. Be responsible for issuing any cheques and obtaining counter signatures from any member of the committee who has completed and signed a bank mandate
d. Render to the AGM an audited account of the income and expenditure for the year

10. HON. RESULTS SECRETARY The Hon. Results Sec shall:-
a. Send out fixtures to all club contacts at least 3 weeks before the first game
b. Update Results published to the club contacts in a timely manner
c. Decide all disputes and only on appeal should disputes go the league management committee
d. Keep a record of all judgements made in appeals and disputes to be made available to all affiliated league teams if requested
e. Arrange and complete the draw for the cup competition.


The SEESMBL will follow the ESMBA Disciplinary Procedure

a. Amendments to the constitution can only be made at the AGM or at a special general meeting convened for that purpose.
b. Amendments to the rules can only be made at management meetings, the AGM or at a special general meeting convened for that purpose.
c. A decision will be taken based on a majority vote.
d. Amendments should include a proposer and a seconder, of which one should attend the AGM, they must also include a reason as to why the amendment is necessary.

13. FINANCIAL YEAR The Leagues financial year shall end 30th April each year

14. AUDITORS Two (2) auditors who shall not be Executive Officers shall be appointed at the AGM to audit the accounts

SEESMBL June 2024


1. The name of the league shall be the SOUTH EAST ESSEX SHORT MAT BOWLS LEAGUE

2. Minimum requirements of a club to join the league is:- One team consisting of two (2) rinks, (mixed or all of one sex) and two (2) 45ft short mats, four fenders, , 2 jacks and 2 centre blocks as detailed in the rule book.

3. Each club may enter as many teams in the league as they like. No player to change teams once entered and played in team A/B/C ect. They must remain with their original team for that season. If they do play for another team, they will be deemed an unregistered player (see rule 11)

4. A game shall consist of fifteen (15) ends per rink, two trial ends are permitted per team

5a. Where a club has two or more teams entered in the same league division their first game against each other must be played before any other game, Their second game must be played before they play any other team for the second time. Failure to comply with this will cost both teams a two point deduction from totals.

b. No team should play two (2) home games on the same day.

6. The scoring system shall be two (2) points per rink win; one (1) point per rink draw, plus a bonus point for the greatest number of shots over both rinks in a team, Should both teams be level on shots over both rinks then there shall be no bonus point awarded  ; maximum points per team five (5). When teams are level on points in the league the higher shot difference will decide positions in the league table. If shots difference be the same the highest shots for will decide league positions.

7a. Matches must be played according to the fixtures diary sent out by the results secretary on a day determined by the home club. The home team will contact the away (visiting) team at least three (3) days before the match. Either club may request ONLY ONCE that the original date be postponed and rearranged for a date agreed and accepted by both clubs. . If a date cannot be accepted by both clubs then the results secretary shall resolve the dispute. All such postponements and changes are to be notified to the Results Secretary immediately. Any request should be made no later than three (3) days before the originally agreed date. Should either team be unable to play on the agreed rearranged date, five (5) points and ten (10) shots be awarded to the non offending team. The offending team will incur a two (2) point reduction. Should a team turn up with just one rink then the non-offending team will claim two (2) points for the empty mat plus the bonus point and five (5) shots. Any games that are postponed the home team should inform the Fixture Secretary of the new date within 28 days of the original fixture being cancelled.

b. If a club has more than one team in the league and they wish to withdraw one team from the league for the new season they should withdraw the team from the lowest division.

8. All games should start no later than 19:45pm on the agreed date of play,  as mutually agreed by both clubs or justification sent to and agreed by the Results Secretary.

9. Each team must complete 50% or more of the total league games by 31st January. Any team below 50% will incur a penalty of 5 points for the current league season. Any extenuating circumstances need to be reported to the League Secretary in writing who will officiate to make a decision.

10a. Footwear; bowling shoes or any smooth heel-less footwear must be worn while playing on the rink mats.

b. Dress; grey or black below the waist either skirt, shorts or trouser, white above or club colours above the waist. All players must wear the same colours. If a player does not meet the dress code, then the opposing team may ask for that player to be removed from the game with play continuing, They may return to the game if they can wear the appropriate attire.

c. Team members must have their club stickers on all woods being used in the game, those woods without will be deemed dead bowls and treated as such.

11. The away fee per match will be £24.

12. If a team plays an unregistered player, the result and points will stand but the offending team will have 2 points deducted for each unregistered player that played. If the offending team also won the bonus point, it will be deducted.

13. The season shall start on the 1st October and end on the 30th April the next year.

14. The ESMBA rules shall apply on all other matters

SEESMBL June 2024